Monday, May 11, 2009
Final Blog Post
Um its alot more interesting but on the flipside alot less organized. I like having an organized class, and I kind of miss that because i like having due dates.
Which one do you prefer? Why?
Probably a mix of both would have been better. Due dates along with going to the incubator would be a nice way to conduct class.
What could be changed next time? Why?
I probably would add due dates to all essay, and assign more quizzes with an outline
What did you like/dislike about the Clark 111 classroom itself?
I didnt find anything i did not like, but at some points during the class i felt as if people were distracted.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Assessing assessments
2. I think i assessed most of them well, some im a little meh about, i want to find around 5 more sources just to be on the safe side for quotes considering this is an 8 page or so paper, and i think searching through blogs and business week and wired would be really helpful, and an interview with a new twitter user.
Resources reflections
2. It has been kind of hard to find quotes that really link to my thesis, i wanted my thesis to really be on who owns twitter info, and how safe is it, but most of the twitter stuff i find is why twitter is becoming popular, and what is the phenomenon all about.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Personal Interview
What is twitter?
Means of communications between peoplein 140 characters.
Why do you use it?
Its fun, it allows him to view things that are interesting and in short text message format. Links to stories etc stuff that is interesting.
It is useful?
Useful for everyone. allows businesses freeway of advertising to a large amount of people.
Do you think twitter could be used in a bad way?
Spam, not experienced it though.
Is twitter profitable?
not profitable at all.
Who is it better for, companies or people?
Depends on what your using it for, advertising is good, but a good way of communicating, great for promoting yourself such as myspace music.
Easier to meet people on Twitter than on facebook?
no, twitter is not creating intimate friendships, more of a blabbing away at people. Twitter is an easier way of communication.
Twitter vs. Facebook?
Twitter=following people who semi famous, internet celebs, alex albrecht and kevin rose
Facebook=people that i know, talking and of coursestatus update, easier connectablility
Would you ever put anything private on twitter?
No, but they probably save mistyped, or false direct messages.
Magazine assesment
This article is very relevant, becuase it talks about why do twitter, and some issues with the online site which is very helpful with the thesis being developed.
Video Assesment
This interview is fairly simple, and colbert does poke fun, but it is very insightful into the idea behind twitter, and also brings up some interesting topics about twitter
Newspaper article
The article is called "twitter tormented by nettlesome computer program." it is a decent nespaper, so it is credible. It would really help in discussing how easy it is to hack into twitter, and how private info is not really private.
Journal Article
The article is called "The Coming Facebook-Twitter Collision" by Sarah Lacy
Business week is a reliable source, and the article just talks about how twitter and facebook will soon be competing. It is a very good article that talks about twitter and clearly states objectives of twitter. It could be very good in discussing what twitter is used for, and how it is used good vs. bad.
Book Asessment
This book basically talks about all kinds of web sites and companies. The basic argument of the book is that with basic experience of a company hitting it big, they can do it a second time. The books argument is not relevant to my thesis, but the chapter that talks about twitter is. It is the authors, and other peoples quotes on how twitter can be used in a positive way. The source is viable, and the author has been reporting on web technology for many years.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Research Questions
My new thesis hopefully a little more narrower would be about how safe and secure your information/comments are on twitter or facebook, i was thinking maybe just twitter.
The digg post also talks about how your tweets also get transfered into Goole Alert which i find very interesting.
1. How safe is information on the web
2. How private are comments/information given via twitter
Social Networking Thesis
Twitter Definition
Monday, April 6, 2009
Social Networking Site-Twitter

Details-Twitter simply put is a micro blogging site (140 char). What happens is people create a acct, and blog about whatever they want. Then you follow people, or people follow you. When you follow people what happens is that whatever they type or talk about you get direct info of, it could be what their doing, url, pictures etc. When people follow you, they simply see what you type. There are also direct messages that you can send to people, these messages are private and can only be read by you and the people you sent them to.
How it is usedTwitter is used to communicate short messages to many different people. Its an easy way to send out what your doing, other ideas on your mind etc.
Who uses itAny oneuses it. It is an extremely versatile site, not only do people use it such as Barack Obama, but so do website and companies that send you messages on new stuff they are doing, and what is currently going on.
What it represents It represents a broader way of text messaging multiple people, and informing people about whats going on.
Is it Useful It is extremely useful. Not only is it a good way to get direct feedback, but its free advertising for companies. Since it is micro blogging, when a company puts up a story its always the headline to get you interested in a topic.
Private InfoThe only information used is your name, a quick bio and one picture.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Assessing Technology
Ross Wheatley
This is a credible authoritative source. Technology has erased the line between work and play. Not only are poeple less inclined to talk socially with others. Thr points listed are very valid, all points laid out are cleary defined, pay more for technology, working to hard=less social life, and people are becoming slaves. The article itself is just explaining more into the points with details. Points given such as sitting on a comp is bad for ones social skills instead of going out is very true. The time spent while working on a computer and the time playing on a computer is very blurred.
Redoing Assesments
I totally misread what we had to do, i thought we were supposed to comment on them, not asses them
This is an authoritative source. It backs up claims with evidence that is credible and comes directly from the facebook site.
this post could go either way. On one had it is a blog, so its not credible, but then again the author backs up his claims with sources
This is an authoritative source. Not only is it a credible source, It uses direct quotes of zuckerburg and other high end facebook staff to help prove their point, along with direct links and quotes to facebooks terms of service, not only that, but there are other quotes from the advocacy group Consumers Unionand the blog Consumerist cited them which helped to explain what the terms of service meant to them
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Technology and Privacy Source Evaluations
The chronicle of Higher Education
I thought this stroy was very good. It described how easy it was for someone of higher power to abuse social networking sites in order to obtain photos and information. It also points out some flaws that may be social networking sites, such as all you need is their email address, and then you have their whole profile as it is. People need to be more careful about what email they use, and how well protected they leave it.
The Value of Human Readable Deeds
I didn't really get this post. I didnt know if they were talking about thhe little terms of service box that flashes for almost any software you install on your computer, or were they talking about something else. But i do agree that people need to be given the knowledge on what can happen, or what will happen if they put private information on the web.
Facebook’s Users Ask Who Owns Information
I think of facebook as a website like any other. They own all information that is stored on their site, why not its their site. People jsut have to be careful what information they store on their myspace of facebook, and make sure it won't hurt them later on in life.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
brainstorming technology
Everyone (government)
I try not to put personal info on the web
Monday, March 2, 2009
Budget crisis Outline
I. As a student, I believe my input has a lot of say here.
a. Tuition rising
i. it is necessary because they is nothing you can do, raise taxes? They would have to raise taxes a lot to eventually have it trickle down.
b. Larger class sizes
i. One obvious way to decrease the amount of teachers needed, and decrease the amount of classes needed,
ii. Band-Aid plan, help in short run but in the long run will hurt us.
c. teachers being laid off
i. how else are you going to stop spending, we have been way above our budget in California for many years,
ii. You start cutting where you don’t need that many teachers, lecturers, you may not want to get rid of them, but it what the times call for.
II. Hard times call for desperate measures, and for taxpayers this means more taxes.
a. More taxes, it might sound bad but may be the only answer, it affects everyone.
i. There is no real way to solve this problem without trimming the fat by laying off those that aren’t necessary, and by paying more to the government. “Quote”
b. Being in California, do we get any of the stimulus
i. We live in a very rich area, it doesn’t mean everyone is rich
ii. Does that mean not everyone will get any of the stimulus bill.
III. What future plans does the government have
a. What happens when we get back to normal?
i. Will taxes be lowered
ii. Will people be reinstated
b. What will happen at my school
i. Will teachers be rehired
ii. Will tuition and class sizes go down.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Budget Cuts Drive California Schools to Stretch Technology Budgets With NComputing Virtualization Solution
"This was supposed to be the year of education," said state schools superintendent Jack O'Connell during a recent news conference at Prescott School in West Oakland. "I fear this will be the year of education evisceration." While it is unclear at this time how technology budgets will be affected, many of the state's schools were already struggling to provide sufficient computer access to their students, while desperately trying to update aging computers.
A growing number of California schools are finding that NComputing systems reduce the cost of deploying and maintaining PCs, allowing them to multiply the amount of students' PC access without a larger budget. "More and more school administrators and IT professionals have discovered that our virtual desktop solution lets them multiply computing access without increasing their IT budgets," said Stephen Dukker, chairman and CEO of NComputing. "That means even if technology budgets are cut in half, they can continue to provide the same number of computing seats as before. For this simple reason, NComputing's virtual desktop technology is experiencing rapid adoption as California schools struggle to provide enough computers for their students during this historic budget crisis."
Interview with Anonymous
What is going on right now?
There are a majority democrat in the house and senate who are used to spending, they have good intentions by helping, but we have no money to help with, and its leaving us way over budget.
What to do?
One way we could cut back on spending is to reduce or diminish the number of lobbyist, because it seems the lobbyists are more about the state than the people.
What are we spending it on: beneficial laws, and 40% to schools which may seem nice, but is way too much. The way they are spending our money right now is inefficient.
Propositions may seem nice, hey we will give x amount of money to y people which will help us, but in the long run it wastes more money.
We also have the second highest tax rate in the country, the first being New York.
We should vote money for education, but find out where that money is actually going.
We shouldn’t spend more than we take in.
On cuts, they might seem bad, but in the long run the benefits will out way the costs, and some programs are needed, we might need to cut them.
We spend so much money on illegal immigrants, but we don’t say anything because of political correctness, we can’t afford to treat illegal immigrants with a long term illness.
The new bill saying that only 51% of could pass a law instead of 66% would mean that democrats could potentially pass anything they wanted.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rhetorical Stragegies
Politics Summary
The Article about John Brown is about slavery, and his take on what it is about. He takes control of an armory, and tries to give guns out to slaves. An attempt to end slavery. He explains or tells stories about Kansas and other things that really seem to have little impact on what he is actually doing. But by the end he links his stories together to say that what they have done is wrong. He states that slavery is wrong, it goes against what God has intended, and he believes that there is no greater thing than to help someone in bondage
Thursday, February 12, 2009
He persuades people in his speech very well. He talks about how he as a president recognizes the challenges that we as a country face. He then goes on to talk about unity, and the american dream and how working hard will pay off. He mentions how even the founding fathers had to deal with problems, and that america is great, and will rise from these challenges. He finishes by gathering up what he has said about challenges and hard work, and reminds us that hope is one thing that we need to believe in.
Reflection 2-12-09
Journal 2-12-09
1)Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep-i really enjoyed this book and i would like to discuss the moral issues involed
2) Topics about other books would be nice, it doesnt matter if they are just sections of it, i just like to read stuff that is moderately interesting