Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Technology and Privacy Source Evaluations

The chronicle of Higher Education


I thought this stroy was very good. It described how easy it was for someone of higher power to abuse social networking sites in order to obtain photos and information. It also points out some flaws that may be social networking sites, such as all you need is their email address, and then you have their whole profile as it is. People need to be more careful about what email they use, and how well protected they leave it.

The Value of Human Readable Deeds


I didn't really get this post. I didnt know if they were talking about thhe little terms of service box that flashes for almost any software you install on your computer, or were they talking about something else. But i do agree that people need to be given the knowledge on what can happen, or what will happen if they put private information on the web.

Facebook’s Users Ask Who Owns Information


I think of facebook as a website like any other. They own all information that is stored on their site, why not its their site. People jsut have to be careful what information they store on their myspace of facebook, and make sure it won't hurt them later on in life.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

brainstorming technology

changing the environment to better suit human beings, it makes life easier


Everyone (government)

I try not to put personal info on the web

Monday, March 2, 2009

Budget crisis Outline

Thesis: Although the Budget cuts may seem like a bad idea from a student’s view and a taxpayer’s point of view, they are necessary.
I. As a student, I believe my input has a lot of say here.
a. Tuition rising
i. it is necessary because they is nothing you can do, raise taxes? They would have to raise taxes a lot to eventually have it trickle down.
b. Larger class sizes
i. One obvious way to decrease the amount of teachers needed, and decrease the amount of classes needed,
ii. Band-Aid plan, help in short run but in the long run will hurt us.
c. teachers being laid off
i. how else are you going to stop spending, we have been way above our budget in California for many years,
ii. You start cutting where you don’t need that many teachers, lecturers, you may not want to get rid of them, but it what the times call for.
II. Hard times call for desperate measures, and for taxpayers this means more taxes.
a. More taxes, it might sound bad but may be the only answer, it affects everyone.
i. There is no real way to solve this problem without trimming the fat by laying off those that aren’t necessary, and by paying more to the government. “Quote”
b. Being in California, do we get any of the stimulus
i. We live in a very rich area, it doesn’t mean everyone is rich
ii. Does that mean not everyone will get any of the stimulus bill.
III. What future plans does the government have
a. What happens when we get back to normal?
i. Will taxes be lowered
ii. Will people be reinstated
b. What will happen at my school
i. Will teachers be rehired
ii. Will tuition and class sizes go down.